Current Projects

1. The Recording Process

Public Friends will offer a recording process that monthly and yearly meetings can use to help ministers discern their call. This recording process will include guidance on ethics, boundaries, pastoral care, and other areas that are important for a Quaker ministry. Meetings can use this process to record ministers who have been to seminary or have similar theological training and those who have not. This recording process will be available for free on our website.

This project is funded by a grant from the Louisville Institute.

2. Mutual Support for Ministers

Public Friends offers avenues for mutual support for ministers. We are currently hosting monthly Zoom meetings for ministers, as well as ways to connect with others in ministry on social media. As Public Friends grows, we plan to provide affinity groups, mentoring, and spiritual friendships.

If you are a minister, who is interested in this kind of mutual support, please reach out on our Contact page.

3. Matching Funds for Ministry Projects

Quaker ministers are often woefully underpaid for their time and work. We are working to provide matching funds for ministry projects, to raise the level of financial support for ministers within the Religious Society of Friends.

If you would like to support this effort, please contribute on our Donate page.