
September 3, 2024

Public Friends Featured in Friends Journal

Friends Journal featured Public Friends as a new initiative supporting Quaker public ministers:

Through the initiative, Wilcox intends to respond to longstanding emotional and practical needs.

“I feel like this is something people have been waiting for,” said Wilcox.

We appreciate that Friends Journal is spreading the word about Public Friends! Thanks to everyone who has reached out in response.

This article is available online now and will be in the October issue of Friends Journal.

Read more in Friends Journal

May 16, 2024

Lives Speaking: A Storytelling Event About Lives in Public Ministry

Co-hosted by Public Friends and Powell House

November 19, 2023

Public Friends Receives a $15,000 grant from the Louisville Institute

We are thrilled to announce that Public Friends has received a grant of $15,000 from the Louisville Institute. This grant will support creating a Quaker recording process that monthly and yearly meetings can use to help ministers discern their call. This recording process will be available for free on the Public Friends website.

Read more more about the Louisville Institute and this grant