Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Public Friend?

Quakers have long used the term “Public Friend” to describe someone who is called to public ministry. Traditionally, Public Friends were Quaker ministers who would travel beyond their local meeting to give messages to others. Today, Public Friend is an expansive term for Quakers who engage in ministry, which can include teaching, preaching, speaking, writing, or pastoral care.

Is Public Friends just for pastors?

No! Public Friends is here to support Quaker ministers of all kinds.

Who qualifies as a Quaker minister?

A Quaker minister is someone who has answered a call to sustained public ministry. That is, a person who has committed to spending a significant part of their life engaging in ministry work, and whose gifts of ministry have been recognized by others. The ministry can take many forms, including chaplaincy, pastoral work, traveling ministry, speaking, writing, or working with groups leading workshops or retreats.

But aren't all Quakers ministers?

As Friends, we believe that God may call anyone into ministry. But not everyone is called to sustained public ministry. Public Friends is committed to training and supporting Quaker ministers to a professional standard.

What do you mean by “a professional standard”?

Many Quaker ministers have found that they do not have the tools they need to support a life of public ministry. Public Friends will offer a recording process that monthly and yearly meetings can use to help ministers discern their call. This recording process will include guidance on ethics, boundaries, pastoral care, and other areas that are important for a Quaker ministry. As a professional association, Public Friends also offers avenues for mutual support for ministers. And Quaker ministers are often woefully underpaid for their time and work. We are working to provide matching funds for ministry projects, to raise the level of financial support for ministers within the Religious Society of Friends.

What if I am already a recorded minister?

That’s great! We are glad that your meeting has been able to support you by recording your gifts of ministry. We hope that you will join us for other aspects of Public Friends, such as mutual support for ministers and matching funds for ministry projects.

What does Public Friends do?

You can find this on our Current Projects page.

If you want the latest news from Public Friends, check out to our Updates page.

What if I have other questions?

We would love to hear from you! Please reach out on our Contact page.