Our Team

Ashley M. Wilcox, Executive Director

Ashley M. Wilcox is a Quaker minister and the bestselling author of The Women’s Lectionary: Preaching the Women of the Bible throughout the Year (Westminster John Knox Press). Ashley is a graduate of Candler School of Theology, The School of the Spirit, and Willamette University College of Law. Ashley preaches, speaks, and teaches across the U.S. and internationally, and her writing has been featured in Geez, Working Preacher, Friends Journal, Western Friend, and numerous Quaker anthologies.

Katie Breslin, Communications and Fundraising

Katie Breslin is a Quaker and lifelong activist, originally from northeastern Pennsylvania. A graduate of Trinity Washington University with a degree in Political Science, Katie began her career in DC, overseeing the young adult lobbying program for the Friends Committee on National Legislation and organizing for Catholics for Choice. She moved to Richmond, Indiana to attend Earlham School of Religion, where she received a Certificate in Quaker Studies. Katie also worked for Earlham College in their Epic Journey program as a career coach and recruiter. Katie has written about issues related to religion and spirituality in a variety of different publications including Friends Journal and The Revealer. During the day, Katie proudly works for the University of Minnesota.