
Resources for Meetings

Jan Hoffman, Clearness Committees and Their Use in Personal Discernment, twelfth month (press 1996)

Sample Minute of Service

Sample Traveling Minute

Three Rivers Meeting, Meeting for Faithfulness Agenda

Resources for Ministers

QuakerSpeak, On Quaker Ministry and Eldering (video)

Sample Ministry Report

General Resources

Daphne Clement, Group Spiritual Nurture: The Wisdom of Spiritual Listening, Pendle Hill Pamphlet #373 (2004)

Martha Paxson Grundy, Tall Poppies: Supporting Gifts of Ministry and Eldering in the Monthly Meeting, Pendle Hill Pamphlet #347 (1999)

Jon R. Kershner, A Brief History of the Quaker Practice of “Recording” (2017)

Howard R. Macy, Consultation of Friends on Ministry: Discerning, Nurturing, Recording, and Releasing, Talk given at Quaker Hill Conference Center (November 19-22, 1981)

Johan Maurer, Public Ministry among Friends: Some Private Thoughts, Sunderland P. Gardiner Lecture, Canadian Yearly Meeting (2000)

Ashley M. Wilcox, Gifts to Share: Stories of Women who are Recorded Ministers (2011)